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Healthy foods for the lungs and improved breathing

The lungs play a major role in keeping our bodies moving and in good health. Our respiratory system allows us to breathe and thus deliver oxygen to all parts of the body. As we inhale air through our nose and mouth, it then travels down the airway, through the bronchi, and into the lungs. Our bodies use the oxygen I inhale to exhale carbon monoxide. But this is only one of the mechanisms in which the lungs work hard.

In addition to exercise, eating whole foods is vital for keeping the lungs in good shape. It is known that certain types of foods rich in nutrients, such as vitamins and antioxidants, help our lungs work best.

Antioxidants are important for maintaining optimal health. They are major fighters against oxidation, which is a normal chemical process. When there are external factors such as stress, alcohol, or cigarette smoke, it can cause disturbances in natural processes. This in turn leads to the formation of free radicals, which are highly unstable molecules and potentially causing damage.

Foods rich in antioxidants help neutralize these free radicals, which destroy lung cells. Lung cell damage caused by free radicals can lead to lung cancer and poor health

While our bodies produce antioxidants naturally, some cannot be formed thus. This requires looking from an external food source or through a supplement. Foods that contain the highest levels of antioxidants are usually plant-based, and those with vitamins C and E are known to help with overall lung health.

How to keep your lungs healthy

The lungs are remarkable organs. They deserve special and daily care. First of all, forget to poison them with cigarettes. Smoking destroys eyelashes (or as the term is called “forks”), which help remove infections and contaminants. Their presence causes obstruction and damage to the respiratory tract.

Smoking is associated with most lung diseases, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma. There is a risk for smokers, which is expressed in 12 to 13 times more likely to die from COPD than non-smokers. Cigarettes contain thousands of chemicals, and every time you inhale them, these toxins can damage your lungs. Smoking also causes lung cells to age faster. This can lead to a change in lung cells from normal to cancer.

No matter how long you smoke, it is always helpful to give up this extremely harmful habit. Within a few months of quitting, lung function begins to improve. After a year without tobacco smoke, the risk of heart disease is half that of a smoker at a nearby restaurant table. In this line of thinking – try to avoid passive smoking and do not exercise near areas with heavy traffic.

In addition to this negative factor, limiting exposure to indoor and outdoor contaminants can also help protect the main filters in your body. You can protect yourself from toxic and harmful substances through special masks when you engage in activities that include increased release of dust or industrial gases.

Physical activity is not to be underestimated at all. Although the lungs rely on the diaphragm muscle, any improvement in the cardiovascular system facilitates the work of the lungs and respiratory function, as well as the supply and use of oxygen and nutrients in the body.

It is enough to do something active – for 30 minutes every day to relieve the load on the lungs and increase the efficiency of transport and metabolism of oxygen plus nutrients

8 foods and drinks for healthy lungs and normal respiratory function

Water plays a huge role in health and is the basis of every detoxifying process and purifying action. Clean water is essential for maintaining the blood that flows to and from the lungs. Water also keeps our lungs hydrated and mucus – in a balanced amount and condition. It may sound unpleasant, but this mucus is important and must be in the right lash consistency to be removed along with toxins, germs, and contaminants.

As you probably know, much of the body is made up of water. When the body is dehydrated, all organs and systems feel the effect. Proper hydration is essential not only for lung health. The optimal amount of water helps to remove waste from the body, transport nutrients into the body, and regulate body temperature.

Therefore, always provide yourself with the absolute minimum of 1.5 liters of water per day. Water helps to lubricate the joints of the body to ensure comfortable, painless, soft movement. It also moisturizes tissues such as the eyes, nose, and mouth.

Mullein Leaf

Mullein health benefits (why should take Mullein leaf as a dietary supplement or drink Mullein tea)

The Mullein herb is a common weed that grows all over the world. It has been used for its healing properties for hundreds of years and is believed to cure common respiratory illnesses such as lung weakness, respiratory cramps, and colds.

The health benefits of mullein are due to the fact that the herb contains saponins – organic compounds that act as natural expectorants (expectorants). This means that it helps the body expel excess mucus from the lungs. It relieves congestion and other symptoms of colds and coughs.

Mullein Leaf also has effective soothing and emollient properties, which means it helps relieve sore throats and reduces pain caused by frequent coughing. This means that the herb is great for symptoms in several diseases of the upper respiratory tract, including chronic ones such as asthma and bronchitis. Because of its effectiveness, experts call mullein an herb that heals the lungs.

Garlic and onions

These fragrant and favorite foods in our cuisine are great for the heart and lungs too. They reduce inflammation, lower cholesterol and fight infection in the body. Garlic is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory properties and is a wonderful addition to many meat dishes, pasta, and other ingredients.


This spice is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties and promotes the elimination of contaminants from the lungs. Ginger has many benefits not only for the lungs but also for the rest of the body. It can help decongest (relieve swelling) and unclog airways, helping to improve lung health and improve breathing.

Turmeric (and curcumin as the main ingredient

This spice is similar to ginger and has many of the same benefits. It also contains curcumin – a powerful compound that promotes the self-destruction of cancer cells. Curcumin helps relieve the inflammation and tightness in the chest that is associated with asthma.


Naringin – a type of flavonoid in grapefruit, inhibits the activation of the enzyme that causes cancer. White grapefruit contains a high amount of this flavonoid, although pink grapefruit also has some amounts of it, along with the antioxidant lycopene.

 Grapefruit is especially good at clearing the lungs after quitting smoking. The fruit contains 92% water, so it is ideal for maintaining hydration by supporting overall health and detoxification.

Hot drinks and soups

Herbal teas, broths, and soups promote hydration and help your body excrete toxins in the urine. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, chicken soup provides valuable nutrients to protect against colds, mucus buildup, and sore throats associated with respiratory illnesses.

The chicken in the soup provides amino acids that improve the recovery of clean tissue and physical strength. Other protein-rich foods include beans, lentils, fish, and turkey breasts. Including vegetables in soups will provide you with additional antioxidants as well as vitamins and minerals.


Citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C and vitamin B6. They help the lungs carry oxygen. Oranges are rich in valuable antioxidants and vitamin C, which is a powerful tool for fighting infections and inflammation.


Photo by Nick Bondarev from Pexels